Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Definitely, a good nap after a tired day does wonders. Woke up a while ago after falling asleep from having classes for one whole day.

Just now the Electrical Actuators lab was terrible. We were explained how to connect various devices by the lecturer and then we had to draw out a diagram showing all the connections done.

It doesn't help that he talks fast and has an accent. I was trying my best to decipher what he was saying! When he finished explaining and asked us to draw out the connections we were at a loss. Plus, he was really scary, when I passed in my connections drawing which I am unsure of, I was standing there totally terrified I was shivering. I don't know if it's the cold temperature in the lab or I was really scared.

It looked like he was about to throw a fit and say "Why the heck are you students so stupid, can't even draw connections!"

But it was correct, phew, we made a good gamble, it's only the drawing was messy and he helped us a little with drawing it out nicely. But the major device connections were correct. On the side note, he looked like he dozed off while waiting for us that were totally stressed out over the connections drawing. Literally dozed off. I wonder if we did take that long!

But him dozing off is good, cause he didn't see his students looking at the huge devices and trying hard to remember which port of which device was connected to which. We even have trouble remembering the ports that were actually involved! Cause there were so many of them, and they're labelled the same. Theres port R and T on this side and another port R T on the other side. There were two sets of L and N ports too. "Which one was it again?!?!" That's how it's like.

Plus once we got all the stuff set up he was constantly looking over our shoulders...This is the most stressful lab session ever.

I couldn't concentrate in the tutorial class after the lab. I was damn tired. It was Digital Electronics Design, and the lecturer kept saying 01010010101010101, 010101 so toggle, reset, so this is 10101000101......output is 10100111101010........

It didn't take me long to get sick of all the 1s and 0s, after a while I stopped concentrating cause I couldn't. The lecturer's high pitched voice in the echoing room made matter worse, soon I was having a headache.

Enough with the 0s and 1s already...

I was second out of the class when it was time to go. She let us off 5 minutes late.

The blue 24 jikan terebi T-shirt is on the way from Japan! As you'd expect I'd be happy, its 98% happiness. If it's yellow I'd be 100% happy. But nevermind. I'm still looking forward to it.

And Nino's gonna be in Tokyo Friend Park 2! On October 6th. His third time....I love TFP so I'm looking forward to it! Also....I'm looking forward to the one week mid-sem break next week.......................................................


Anonymous said...

I know you are happy becoz of the T-shirt and I thought u din receive my msg..... I also can't wait till 06.10 to watch TFP 2

Alice In Wonderland said...

Sorry about that, had my handphone credit expired already....

Anonymous said...

Nevermind desu