Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today evening, I got a call from my friend who's taking civil engineering.

Hmmm......when his name appeared on the handphone screen, I was kinda shocked. Since we don't take the same subjects anymore, what could he possibly call me about? We have no subs in common this sem onwards.

Curiosity builds up as I answer the phone.

"Hello, Alice, do you learn Matlab?"
That was what he said.

"Yeap, taking Matlab but only involved in it for the second half of the semester."

"Want to ask you Matlab stuff."

"Yeah, but I'm only gonna learn during the second half of the sem. (lol) I should be the one to ask you! Since you guys are taking it now. You wait yea, I'll surely ask you about it in time to come!"

That's how the conversation kind of went.


That guy,
asking me about Matlab! Although I'm not in the same course as him anymore.

I know he's the kind of person who wouldn't ask if he knows the person would be reluctant to help! Yea, I know he would ask if he's close enough friends with that person.

I'm happy cause of that! Not because I love being asked questions regarding studies or I love people asking me for help, but, I'm glad that he asked me because he knows I would help him if I could. Which means that, I am a good friend! He can ask other people, right? Like those that are actually taking same course as him.

I've kinda felt I'm not being a good enough friend to my friends sometimes. And today, he makes me feel like I'm sort of a good friend that would help her friend who needs help.


I haven't learnt Matlab yet but I wish I have, so I could help him where I could!


..thanks a lot! For asking me for help. So I know that we are still good friends!

Because, you're not actually good friends, until you dare to ask favors and troublesome stuff.


Anonymous said...

I thought u say wan2 post in your blog everyday lei.... What happen to your yesterday post???

Alice In Wonderland said...

Aren't you supposed to be the one who knows the reason why...I was too busy writing in my livejournal =P

Anonymous said...

ceh.... Then you can follow your husband footstep liao coz he post everyday... Hohohoho