Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I've come to hate driving a lot. Even playing my CDs in the car doesn't help anymore. This is cause I spend at least 1 and half hour or more a day behind the wheel. Thanks to the traffic jams. Everytime I see a massive congestion although I leave earlier than peak hours it drives me nuts!

Maths lectures and tutorials starts this week. As you'd expect, from our maths-loving lecturer Mdm Seibu! I even laughed at her maths jokes although they weren't really THAT funny. Welcome back to Mdm Seibu's class, me! I'm hoping her enthusiasm for maths will rub off on me. I'm quite nervous taking Maths 4B before Maths 3B. The disadvantage is no prior experience with Matlab.

I'll try to do my best. But right now, I'm just waiting for the holiday next week to arrive.


Anonymous said...

Just try ur best in everything nia lor
U can do it de.... Usually when u say u knot do it but in the end u still get good result *sigh

Alice In Wonderland said...

Thank you for ur encouragement. You gotta work hard too, for ur husband, sho-chan~ Or else he'll scold you..