Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tanjoubi omedetou Yvonne! and I got tagged~

First of all I'd like to dedicate the first part of this post which is the first in ages (since I still don't have internet damnit) to Yvonne since she has entered adulthood. Weeeeee~~!!!

You're getting old together with us 20 yo's already but don't stop acting like a kid since that's how you are best at~~ I wish you a very happy birthday and I hope your dream of going to Japan to watch Arashi's 10th anniversary tour next year will come true!

I wish I could give you the best present you can ever have: Sakurai Sho-chan wrapped up in a big box but that is beyond my capability, sorry. But at least I know what you want right? That makes me a very very very good friend. And this means I won't give you anything this year because I won't give you anything except the best, that is, 'Sakurai Sho-chan wrapped up in a box'!

By the way I am typing up this post at birthday girl's house but she was asleep when I arrived (12.39pm). *sigh*

Ok, with that settled, let's go to the tag~~~

1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to leave them a comment, telling them that they've been tagged, and to read your blog.

  1. When I go to sleep, I must take a bath RIGHT before bed, drink milo and have a blanket, or else I can't sleep well.
  2. I cannot stand not using correction fluid if I write using a pen. And yes, that means during government public exams as well, although they said it's not allowed, I still use them. Cause I hate hate 'striking a line over your mistake'.
  3. When I am doing something in a serious mode, if you talk to me I will say 'umm....uhuh...' and after you are finished with what you are saying and I am done with what I am doing, I totally don't know what you just said. Yea I know it's rude.
  4. I get super annoyed with nonsense. The definition of nonsense is according to me.
  5. I am not a morning person.
  6. I am super indecisive if I buy things. But if it's something I really want I will buy even if it's expensive. But I guess you can say I am stingy.
  7. I used to be an internet addict, but now, not having internet proves I can withstand several days without it before I drive over to my friend's house to online. Sad right??? (I hate TMnet people, stupid stupid stupid stupid)
  8. Saving the best for last: I love Nino-chan <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is my present????
With Sho-chan wrapped in a box
Hehehehehe *evil smirk