Sunday, October 12, 2008


This morning my neighbour rang our doorbell.
His toilet got blocked, so he came over to borrow a suction pump.


Isn't a suction pump, something you should have in your house? At least its something that we always have in our house. Cause it's important in times like you have blocks and such.

But he didn't, so he came over to borrow. :O
The supermarket is only less than two minutes away. And honestly, it isn't very expensive, one of those suction pumps. If they wanna borrow the jet pump which costs over a thousand, I'd understand.

Is a suction pump, something you borrow from your neighbour? My mum said she wanted to tell my neighbour, "Please have it after you're done, you don't have to return it." But isn't that kinda offensive. And not borrowing is seriously rude as well. Well...being polite, of course the only choice is going to take it from the toilet and hand it over to the neighbour without saying much.

But it's seriously disgusting if you think about it...

Of course he returned it after he's done with it~~~although we wish he didn't.

The suction pump is still sitting in the garden.

My neighbour takes frugality to a whole new level. He must have lots of money in the bank.

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