Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last day of 2008

Today's the last day of 2008. I wonder if there will be more posts on this day as people around the world reflect back on the year that's gonna go by in a few hours. Here I am enjoying ice cream and thinking if I should be making a list of what I did in 2008.

It would really take a long time for me to think properly of what I've did in the past year; or actually go through my past blog posts for events that I actually posted. Sometimes, or most of the time I don't write posts of important stuff at all.

So I think that for me, it doesn't matter what I did for the past year. What matters is the year that lies ahead. I'm determined to make the coming year better than this year. Hopefully I'll remember all the time to give my best in everything I do and not do anything half-assedly. I finally gonna do it? I don't know if I want to move my blog to livejournal. Or, more accurately, actively use the livejournal blog I have right now and distribute the link, and abandon this one. But there are many memorable posts here, and I need to move them over to livejournal. A lot of work. So I am in a dilemma. Lame dilemma, you might think. But I don't want to be editing html or CSS codes for a nice layout at blogspot! I'm lazy~~ and livejournal has hundreds of pretty layouts available.

And of course, livejournal's option of restricting readers to certain posts also come in handy. Then I won't have to worry about writing more personal posts.

What should I do? Some feedback please~

I'll end this post by wishing everyone a very happy new year! And have a successful and great year ahead!

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