Monday, February 25, 2008

Hello new semester, byebye free time

Today I had my first lecture this semester. I'm not feeling particularly excited for the new semester. I'm reluctant to get busy with anything which is quite unlike me cause I actually get bored of having no classes. Yeah, I do.

Maybe it's because today is the first day of new semester and I have my lecture in the evening, until 6.30pm. That, and a lecturer who seems to go on forever and ever about redundant things. He can talk one hour about logbook keeping! Plus he scares his students about subs we're taking and such. Can't we have some positiveness and encouragement? IT IS the first day of semester after all. His 'welcoming' speech lecture should inject into his students a strong burning passion to take on the new semester and all its challenges ahead.

Bella said he is a nice lecturer though. And he seems nice when you first meet him too. Lets see how it goes on further into the semester.

I am in need of enthusiasm.

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