Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tagged by Ah Kit

I've been tagged by Ah kit for the first time so I shall do this tag nicely like how she did the tag I tagged her with.

1.Real name => Alice
2.Nickname => Nino's wife-chan, Ai-lee-sze, Teh c peng
3.Married => Nope
4.Male or Female => Female
5.Highschool => Largest school in the state
6.College => Swinburne
7.Short or long hair => Long
8.Are you a health freak => No
9.Height => 168cm I think
10.Do you have a crush on someone =>Yes
11.Do you like yourself => Yes
12.Piercings => 2
13.Righty or Lefty => Rigthy

14. First surgery => None
15. First piercing(s) =>Form 1
16. First person you see in the morning => My mum
17. First award => In kindy
18. First sport you joined => primary school sports event
19. First pet => Browny(dog)
20. First vacation => long time ago
21. First concert => In kindy - dance and choir

23. Eating => Nothing
24. Drinking => Nothing
25. I'm about to => type this

26. Want kids => yes, boy and girl
27. Want to get married => maybe?
28. Careers in mind => Engineer hopefully

29. Lips or eyes => eyes
30. Hugs or kisses => hugs
31. Shorter or taller => taller
32. Romantic or spontaneous => spontaneous
33. Sensitive or loud => loud
34. Trouble maker or hesitant => trouble maker

35. Kissed a stranger => no
36. Drank bubbles => what bubbles?
37. Lost glasses/contacts => yes
38. Ran away from home => no
39. Liked someone younger => you mean celebrity? yes.
40. Liked someone older => yes
41. Broken someone's heart => yes
42. Been arrested => no
43. Cried when someone died => i was too young to know anything
44. Liked a friend => Yeah, very

45. Yourself => 70% gosh, this fluctuates all the time.
46. Miracles => yeah
47. Heaven => yeah
48. Santa claus => duh no
49. Angels => yeah

50. Is there one person you want to be with right now => can't think of anyone
51. Do you believe in God => maye
52. Tag 5 people => Joyce, Bat, Ian (he's gonna hate me), happy lime, ....=''= can't think of anyone else

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